Pricing Lists
Painting Level Guidelines
Decals are as standard on all commissions. Extra detailing, such as weathering or battle damage, can be added to all levels at the clients request, to appropriate levels.
Bronze Level
This level aims to give you a clean table-top force which stands out during your games.
For this you will get: Single base colour on all elements. All-over wash or recess shading. Base colours re-applied if necessary. Clean, single colour edge highlight on all edges. Appropriate decals applied as standard.
Silver Level
This level aims to give you a higher level of finish to your gaming pieces, and provides that extra special look for you armies or combined forces.
For this you will get: Single base colour on all elements. All-over wash or recess shading. Base colours re-applied if necessary. Clean, single colour edge highlight on all edges. Second highlight added to to all items to add extra depth. Appropriate decals applied as standard. Basic freehand script added to scroll work.
Gold Level
This level is ideal for characters and centre-pieces of your armies. Aiming to achieve a high level ‘Box Art’ finish, ideal for use in both display and gaming.
For this you will get: Base colours with full gradients applied to all elements. Detailed washes and recess shading applied. Base transitions re-applied if necessary. Three levels of highlight: including both previous levels of highlight, with the addition of a further, brighter highlight, adding greater detail and tone. Appropriate decals applied with a higher level of finish. More detailed freehand script added to scroll work and other areas.
Display Level
This level can range from large scale bases or dioramas to detailed custom pieces for use in your games or in your display case. All elements of the base and miniature are painted to the highest achievable levels. This level involves continued discussion between the studio and client regarding all elements of the piece, from initial designing and throughout the commission. This level aims to provide the very best a client could hope for.
Please refer to the painting price guide at the bottom of the page for prices.
Basing Price Guide
Classic Basing - Free
Classic basing consists of green flock with a green rim, painted in the classic 40K 2nd Edition style. This is free and comes as standard with any classic Games Workshop Commission.
Level 1
Basic Basing
Level 1 basing consists of sand or texture paint, a wash and dry-brush, with the addition of occasional tufts for visual interest.
Level 2
Advanced Basing
Level 2 advanced basing consists of more additional details and looks, ranging from alien world to desert environment, swamp or even jungle. These involve more product and advanced techniques to give you a more interesting table-top look.
Pre-cast Bases
Sometimes a client requests the use of pre-made bases with sculpted details. These can be painted to match the level of painting done on the miniature. Please note that prices for these bases is for painting only, any bases used are sourced at the clients expense.
Display Bases
Contact for Quote
Full display bases involve the use of many materials and techniques to give you something special, to really help your piece stand out and look impressive.
Assembly Price Guide
Light Infantry (Drone, Gretchin, Swarm) - £4
Standard Infantry (Marine, Guardian, Ork Boy) - £4
Heavy Infantry (Agressor, Terminator, Wraithguard) - £5
Elite Infantry (Bladeguard, Aspect Warriors, Nobz) - £6
Monstrous Infantry (Ogryns, Crisis Suit, Zoanthrope) - £8.50
Standard Character (Necron Lord, Captain, Pain Boy) - £8.50
Heavy Character (Ghazkull, Illuminor Szeras) - £16
Monstrous Character (Mortarian, Nagash, Teclis) - £20 - £40
Standard Mounted (Outrider, Jetbikes) - £7
Elite Mounted (Vertus Praetors, Harlequin Skyweavers) - £7.50
Character Mounted (Chaplain on Bike, Farseer on Bike) - £12
Large Creature (Carnifex, Demon Prince) - £23
Monstrous Creature (Tyranofex, Greater Demon) - £30
Small Vehicle (Rhino, Dreadnought, Tallos) - £15 - £25
Medium Vehicle (Gladiator, Falcon Grav Tank) - £25 - £30
Heavy Vehicle (Landraider, Repulsor) - £30 - £40
Superheavy Vehicle (Knight, Baneblade) - £45 - £60
Titanic Vehicle (Thunderhawk, Titan) - £180 +
Magnetising extra Weapons - £1 + per magnet
Painting Price Guide
Please use above examples to select categories
Cleaning and Stripping
It is often the case that classic OOP miniatures will require paint striping and extra prep work before painting. As the requirements for this can vary for a few reasons, such as paint used or material mini is made of, an individual quote for this is needed.
Contact to discuss requirements.